Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas Reports (https://dev.txcte.org/binder/federal-reserve-bank-dallas-reports)

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Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas Reports

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This binder is a collection of shortcuts to Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas reports on jobs and the economy. Follow the shortcuts to resources where you can view and download reports, and link to the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas website for more information.


Resource ID: DFR-DE
Grade Range: 9, 10, 11, 12
Institution: Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

Digital Enforcement
Digital Enforcement: Effects of E-Verify on Unauthorized Immigrant Employment and Population

This report estimates the effects of E-Verify on unauthorized immigrant employment and population in seven states.
September 2017

View Resource (https://dev.txcte.org/resource/digital-enforcement-effects-e-verify-unauthorized-immigrant-employment-and-population)

Resource ID: DFR-ATB
Grade Range: 9, 10, 11, 12
Institution: Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

Resource ID: DFR-AHT
Grade Range: 9, 10, 11, 12
Author: Laila Assanie, Kristin E. Davis, Pia M. Orrenius, and Michael Weiss
Institution: Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

At the Heart of Texas: Cities' Industry Clusters Drive Growth

A comprehensive look at the industry clusters, history and demographics shaping eight of the state’s key metropolitan areas: Austin, Dallas, El Paso, Fort Worth, Houston, McAllen, Midland-Odessa and San Antonio.
February 2016

View Resource (https://dev.txcte.org/resource/heart-texas-cities%E2%80%99-industry-clusters-drive-growth)

Resource ID: DFR-GTT
Grade Range: 9, 10, 11, 12
Author: Pia M. Orrenius, Madeline Zavodny, and Melissa LoPalo
Institution: Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

Gone to Texas: Immigration and the Transformation of the Texas Economy

Texas benefits from having a large, diversified immigrant population but also faces several challenges to ensure its continued economic advancement. This special report provides a comprehensive portrait of Texas immigrants and examines economic issues related to surging immigration to Texas.
November 2013

View Resource (https://dev.txcte.org/resource/gone-texas-immigration-and-transformation-texas-economy)

Resource ID: DFR-LAHR
Grade Range: 9, 10, 11, 12
Institution: Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

The Long-Awaited Housing Recovery

U.S. housing markets experienced a notable boom and a painful bust in the past decade. Most recently, housing began its long-awaited recovery—the subject of this three-part report.

January 2013

View Resource (https://dev.txcte.org/resource/long-awaited-housing-recovery)

Resource ID: DFR-FS
Grade Range: 9, 10, 11, 12
Author: Jeffery W. Gunther and Kelly Klemme
Institution: Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

This January 2013 report presents five essays on the theme of rethinking America’s banking system.

View Resource (https://dev.txcte.org/resource/financial-stability-traditional-banks-pave-way)

Resource ID: DFR-TBTF
Grade Range: 9, 10, 11, 12
Institution: Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

Choosing the Road to Prosperity: Why We Must End Too Big to Fail—Now

The too-big-to-fail institutions that amplified and prolonged the recent financial crisis remain a hindrance to full economic recovery and to the very ideal of American capitalism. It is imperative that we break up the big banks.

March 2012

View Resource (https://dev.txcte.org/resource/choosing-road-prosperity-why-we-must-end-too-big-fail%E2%80%94now)

Resource ID: DFR-FBTB
Grade Range: 9, 10, 11, 12
Author: Pia Orrenius and Madeline Zavodny
Institution: Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

From Brawn to Brains: How Immigration Works for America

In the global economic competition for talented workers, the United States risks falling behind if immigration laws are not reformed and employment-based immigration is not expanded.

March 2011

View Resource (https://dev.txcte.org/resource/brawn-brains-how-immigration-works-america)

Resource ID: DFR-RFC
Grade Range: 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Author: Richard W. Fisher
Institution: Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

Effective monetary policy hinges on the Federal Reserve retaining its bank regulatory role and its independence from political pressures.

April 2010

View Resource (https://dev.txcte.org/resource/reflections-financial-crisis-where-do-we-go-here)

Resource ID: DFR-FCCTD
Grade Range: 9, 10, 11, 12
Institution: Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

This report traces the origins of the financial crisis and the Fed's response, and addresses the need for long-term financial reform.

View Resource (https://dev.txcte.org/resource/financial-crisis-connecting-dots)

Source URL: https://dev.txcte.org/binder/federal-reserve-bank-dallas-reports